Colonizing Mars, Transcending Our Limits, and Ending Death


Read on The Competitive | Read Time: ~3 Minutes

📚 Hey, good morning! Time to win.

Tomorrow, I interview Eric Jorgenson for my podcast, and there’s no way I’m going to have time to ask him everything I want to about his latest book.

The book is called The Anthology of Balaji, and he’s made it available for free on his website. You can buy a physical copy if you want, but the digital version is free. Same with his last book, The Almanack of Naval Ravikant.

Fun fact: since the last time Eric has appeared on my podcast, I’ve read more than 400 books. I looked that up today - insane.

Anyway, if you don’t know who Balaji is, he’s basically a rich, eccentric genius who’s working on exponential advances in technology, saving the Earth, and ending death.

Needless to say, he inspires some pretty strong opinions in people, both positive and negative.

Here’s a quote from Eric’s book (an anthology of Balaji’s sayings and ideas) to give you an idea:

"Mortality is the main source of scarcity. If we had more time (or infinite time), we would be less concerned with whether something was faster. The reason speed has value is because time has value; the reason time has value is because human life spans are finite.

If you make life spans longer, you reduce the effective cost of everything. If reducing scarcity is the purpose of technology, eliminating the main source of scarcity - mortality - is the ultimate purpose of technology. Life extension is the most important thing we can invent.

We need to evangelize technological progress with every word and action. To recognize that the purpose of technology is to transcend our limits and to motivate everything we do with this sense of purpose. To take the winnings from our web apps and put them toward Mars. To feel no hesitation to start small and no shame in dreaming big. To tell the world it is possible to cure the deaf, restore sight, and end death itself."

It’s pretty wild stuff. The whole book is like that, and I ended up taking pages…and pages…and pages of notes.

The dude’s an idea machine.

Anyway, I am EXCITED as hell to speak with Eric tomorrow, and I’m going to be releasing the episode a week early inside The Competitive Advantage community, so members will get exclusive access.

I also asked my members earlier today if they had any questions they wanted me to ask Eric during the interview. I’ll be doing the same for all future podcasts, so there are even more perks to being a member!

The price also goes up 15X on March 1st, so there’s that reason too!

That’s it for today though.

As always, at the bottom of this email I’ll lay out everything I did today to move closer to my Ultimate Vision. This is to keep me accountable and to show you that I’m working as hard as I’m encouraging you to work…

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Woke Up: 11:00AM

Sleep Quality: 85%

Pages Read: 60

Workout: Shoulders

DB Press - 50lbs, 50lbs, 45lbs, 45lbs (8 reps, last set to failure)

DB Front Raise - 25lbs, 25lbs, 25lbs, 25lbs (12 reps, last set to failure)

DB Rear Raise - 25lbs, 25lbs, 25lbs, 23lbs (12 reps, last set to failure)

Shoulder Press (Machine) - 70lbs, 70lbs, 70lbs, 60lbs (12 reps, last set to failure)

Work Completed:

Attended Writers Summit Workshop

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Worked on Next Time Mastery Videos

Worked on My Next YouTube Video

Prepared for Eric Jorgenson Podcast

Cleared Some Emails

Pretty good day, and I’m extremely excited for the podcast tomorrow. Should be an awesome time, and I know it’s going to be a wild episode.

Something I’m not feeling great about though is how many things I’m trying to balance and produce at once. Seems unsustainable, and it probably is. I know this is just a SEASON of being extremely busy - it’s going to settle down soon enough - but I honestly can’t wait for that to happen.

Anyway, I gotta sleep if I want to be able to string a sentence together during the podcast tomorrow!

Until next time…happy reading!

All the best,

Matt Karamazov

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