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  • This Fundamental Decision Will Determine Your Financial Future (Pretty Damn Close to 100% Accuracy)

This Fundamental Decision Will Determine Your Financial Future (Pretty Damn Close to 100% Accuracy)

This applies to everything else you care about in life too, by the way

This is going to be controversial. There are some valid counterarguments to be made — and we’ll get to those — but if you really want to become wealthy, it all starts with a decision that you have to make.

The same applies to anything else you could possibly attempt in your life, but I’m just using money because it’s easy to quantify and it’s a source of anxiety for many, many people:

You must make the fundamental decision to become wealthy at any cost.

This is basic. This is foundational. This is what you have to do first before you start talking about “multiple streams of income,” or global financial markets, asset allocation, or any of that stuff.

You have to make a decision not to be less than you could be.

You have to make a promise to yourself that you will never, ever break under any circumstances. And you have to find a way.

You have to find a way, or you’ll find an excuse.

Now, let me get this out of the way first before you think I’m just some “power of positive thinking” guy with a bunch of easy answers and some new online course for you to buy to get rich.

No, no, and HELL no.

All I am is a person, dedicated to success and achievement, who knows the true power of the human mind, and the life-altering power of a firm decision.

Does making this decision guarantee that you’ll eventually become wealthy (or achieve some other goal that’s important to you)?

No, of course not. I would hate myself if I told you that was true. That you can just “ask the universe” for something and it’ll be “given” to you. Plenty of people have made a “firm decision to get rich” who will die broke and penniless.

So it’s not the whole answer, by any means. But you don’t stand a chance in hell of achieving your goals if you don’t make such a decision:

To do whatever it takes, no matter what (within ethical reason) to pull your ultimate vision closer to your current reality.

You must do this — you must make this decision if you want to stack the odds in your favor.

As one of my rich mentors, Alex Becker, says:

“If you decide to follow through no matter what and never give up, becoming rich will not be a matter of if, it will be a matter of when.”

Now, is it going to take longer than you think it will?

Probably, yea.

Is it going to be a whole lot more difficult and challenging than you ever anticipated?

Yup! That too.

Are you going to want to slow down, give up, or even stop altogether?

You might.

I’m not going to lie to you: making a firm decision means that you can never lie to yourself ever again. It means that you’re going to have to actually go for it, to do this thing that you want to do and that you say is important to you.

A firm decision means that there is nowhere left for you to hide.

But everything starts with a decision. I believe that so strongly, even though I realize that this is one of those “mindset” things that people say aren’t “practical” or “applicable.”

Everything starts with your beliefs and your thoughts, and once you make a commitment to yourself, you can never, ever go back on your word without suffering a massive hit to your self-esteem and self-worth.

A decision, once you make it, is inalterable.

Every single wealthy person you’ve ever heard about who has built a successful business decided at one point that they were going to make it no matter what.

Every single successful person who has reached the pinnacle of their chosen sport, craft, or possession, has made a decision like this. They’ve all made a promise similar to this one.

Look, I don’t believe that anyone can be a “loser” just because of where they end up in life materially (or where they start off, either)!

And you can make all the right choices, work really hard, have everything going for you, and still come up short.

Nothing worth shooting for has a 100% chance of succeeding.

But I will say this: If you break a promise to yourself, if you let yourself down, if you give this anything less than you’re capable of giving, you will look back on this day and regret it every day for the rest of your life.

I don’t want that to happen to you, and I damn sure don’t want that to happen to me. So that’s why I started The Competitive Advantage so I could surround myself with like-minded, life-minded individuals striving for something greater.

Nobody succeeds alone, and we all travel further together.

All the best,

Matt Karamazov