Wisdom from Steven Pressfield's latest book, Put Your Ass Where Your Heart Wants to Be, plus advice about attracting mentors and doing whatever it takes to make it
Plus unstoppable motivation and drive from a bodybuilding legend
Plus, a few words about goals, letting go, and how to make 2023 do what you want
Most importantly of all: Did you begin?
I don’t care if it’s New Year’s Eve…it’s still THIS YEAR, and we still have work to do!
The Rule of 5 is more powerful than most people realize - and its applications extend further than they can ever imagine
It’s yours for the taking (because too many others have abdicated their responsibility to be GREAT)
Why Ryan Holiday believes that the ideas of self-discipline, self-mastery, and self-control are ripe for a complete overhaul
Get this right, and it becomes very, VERY easy to reach impressive goals
Life is a game of probabilities, and you can directly — and indirectly — control the outcome
Publishing my progress to keep myself accountable as I launch my career, build my body, and read all the best books.
The lack of ANY of these three key resources will cripple your capacity to think